"Pocorn" Sutton was a moonshiner from Maggie Valley, NC
Face Jug by Molly Jones

 Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton was a moonshiner who knew how to make it the old way. He wrote a book and made a documentary on how to make it in the woods. He even knew what plants to look for to tell the quality of the water when looking for a site to build  a still.

In Jan. of 2009 he was arrested and sentenced to 16 years for illegally selling moonshine and he swore he was not going to jail. He sat in his car in a closed up garage and killed himself. He was a chain smoker and always referred to himself as "nuthin' but a low-life sonuvabitch"

Since face jugs started out a few hundred years ago as grave markers by slaves who were not allowed to have a proper grave marker, this moonshine jug is fitting tribute to some say, the last of the hillbilly moonshiners. The documentary he made is worth a look.

Number Three....SOLD... Commissions taken, 500.oo includes s/h and tax.

corn cob stopper with rattlesnake rattle